October 22, 2024

Welcome Address at the Commemoration of the 4th Year Anniversary of the IWBSFCL. by Damilola Adesina Omosebi.

Interdenominational Weekly Bible Study for Church Leaders

Good morning everyone. Like my daddy would say, ” All the people before me today are all important people, I see it not necessary to specially call the name of everybody “

I like to humbly say, ‘welcome to all of us in the name of Jesus. I pray that as you honored us with your presence today, God will honor you also.

The journey of the Interdenominational Weekly Bible Study For Church Leaders started four years ago with burden laid in the heart of the Facilitator, Pastor Z. A. Ogunsanya which borders on so many atrocities being associated with the church and church people which he claimed made him sick in the heart.

He decided to write a letter to church leaders on how the looming danger could be averted and I will have to quote some potions of the letter.

” My name is Pastor Z A Ogunsanya.

I am by the grace of God the General Overseer of Bible Pattern Church. I am using this medium to humbly invite you to the first edition of special weekly bible study for church leaders.

For some months now, the news of so many atrocities being associated with the church and church people has made me to be very sick in my mind.

Though these problems are not totally new, the issue now is that the number of these evil practices is growing at an alarming rate, and they are happening at a very frightening speed.

Scarcely is there any type of evil that is not reported to be connected to church and church leaders and members in Nigeria today: duping, kidnapping, robbery, assassinations, deceit, occultism, thuggery, murder, sorcery, witchcraft, fake miracles, fake prophecies, magic, drug trafficking, human trafficking, idolatry, fornication, adultery, gayness etc.

Unless God will quickly help His church in Nigeria, with the things are going now, something very unpleasant can happen to the church and its leaders in Nigeria any moment from now.”


Pastor Z A Ogunsanya in his inaugural address to the attendees emphasized that “

This program is not another ministers association.

It will not involve contribution of money in any way.

It is a Bible Study for only Church leaders

This program is designed to assist in the following areas

1. Ministerial stand

The program is to assist the true gospel ministers to stand upright at a time like this, Mal.3:14-18; Jude.1:3-5.
The program is designed:

To assist those who are standing in the truth to know why they must and how they must continue to stand in the truth.

To assist those who are already experimenting with erroneous ideas, doctrines and practices to stop todo so.

To assist to tackle the questions that may spring up in the heart of pastors as a result of the preachings, teachings and activities of those who are teaching and practicing errors within the church circle today.

To help church leaders to know how to insulate their members from the preachings, teachings and practices of erroneous pastors.

2. Ministerial activities

This program IWBSFCL is designed to assist each church leader to know the right way of handling church doctrines, practices and activities, so as to achieve the true purpose of God for His church, at this time of satanic invasion and corruption of the church.

3. Ministerial challenges etc.

A program like this is necessary at a time like this, because of the following:

Church leadership is a very challenging responsibility that always requires a lot of knowledge and understanding that a program like this can assist one to have.

The so many confusions in the church today require clear understanding of the of the bible about a lot of issues: miracles, money,membership, prayer, worship etc.

Every church leader needs to know why he is doing what he is doing in the church today, in the face of so many confusing, conflicting and contrary doctrines and practices, that satanic church leaders (camouflaging in the cloak of servants of God) are perpetrating and popularizing in the churches today.

Every church leader needs to know how to play his role, in the efforts of the true servants of God, to contend with the agents of Satan within the church system, so that the world can be made to know that not all churches and church leaders are part of the corruption, and evil practices in the churches all over the world today.

The inaugural program was conducted on the 30th April, 2018 and I have glory to give to God that many of us have not missed a program since commencement even COVID 19 was unable to stop it.

Divine Approval I Ministry
The greatest ministerial tool
The place of the church in the program of God
The place of General Overseers in the church today
The place of co-leaders in the church today
The church, the devil and the program of God
The war of Satan against Church leaders
The economic war of Satan against the church
Tithe: To pay or not to pay.
The foundation of a Church leader
The call of a church leader
The minimum qualification of a church leader
The challenges of church leaders’ wife
Church leadership and proper handling of the word of God.
Church leadership and principles of Bible teaching.
Understanding the principles of Bible interpretation
Church leadership and difficult church questions
Church leadership, sickness, disease and good health
Jethro’s ministerial pattern
The need and how to effect a godly change in a godly church.
The mandate of the church
The major duty of the church
The place of sound doctrine in the church
The primary duty of the church
The need and how to deal with heretic teacher
~ The place of workers in the church
~ How to do church work in a rewarding way.
Church leadership and Paul’s principle of homiletics
Church leadership and how to prepare a topical sermon
The need for Bible study & Bible teaching tools today. Part 1-5.
The use of Bible study & Bible teaching tools Part 1-4.
The need and how to write sermon outlines

The issue of certification Baptism with the Holy Spirit
The issue of certification and prayer about baptism with the Holy Spirit.
Presentation of certificates
The meaning and divisions of Christian theology
The importance of Christian theology
Theology of religions. Pt 1 The meaning of theology of religions
Theology of religions Pt.2 What theology of religions is all about
Theology of religions Pt.3 Judaism as the faulty foundation of inclusivism
Theology of religions Pt.4 The position of Jesus Christ as the only saviour of the world.
Theology of religions Pt. 5 The uniqueness of Christianity to the redemption of man.
Replacement theology- Introduction
The history of replacement theology
The Holy Bible and replacement theology.
The Past of Israel and Replacement theology.
The Future of Israel and Replacement Theology.
The Final Restoration of Israel.
Introduction to the study of the War of Gog and Magog.


You will agree with me that about some years ago, it was so common in churches to listen to those that were claiming to have died and were shown some things either in heaven or hell.

One of them even claimed and listed Bible Pattern Church as number 47th in his book as one of the churches he had given his testimony.

The Facilitator, Pastor Z A Ogunsanya wrote a book and discussed it under this program. It is evident that the issue of fake dying and resuscitation have died unceremoniously.

I so sure that among us seated here have good testimonies of what this program has done in our lives and ministeries.

I know that all of us may want to talk about what the program have done in our lives but for want of time few of us have been randomly selected to say something about the program.

I can not finish this address without saying something about the issue of certification which I know that our daddy will still talk about.

I want inform you that certification was not included in the original plan of the IWBSFCL but as time went by and the conviction of the Facilitator and approval of God, “Certificate of Participation ” was included based on 100 weeks attendance for certificate A and 50 weeks attendance for successive certificates. By the grace of God some of us will equally be awarded ” Certificate of Participation “A” today while some will proceed to receive ” Certificate of Participation B”. I am glad to add that some members of Bible Pattern Church who have completed 100 and 150 weeks respectfully, will also receive their Certificate of Participation today by the grace of God.

There are so many of my friends here who are not very far from completing the attendance please don’t be discouraged because it is not about to stop.

I urge everyone to be patient because under this program there is not going to be a dull moment as heaven will be opened and release His good treasure on everyone of us!

May you be abundantly blessed in this place today!

Thank you!